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  For best experience for both of us:
. Respect the energy work by honoring yourself and honor others. Be open and ready to receive.
. Audio Recordings: Before you commit, listen to "Before Purchase audio". No refunds, email if there's a technical issue.
. Zoom sessions: Sign into zoom class 10 min prior to start time, so we can admit you. Class will start promptly.

. Follow your heart, your outcome matches your vibrations, so bring your excitements.   -Namaste -

  Cancellation and refund policy

. All audio recordings/courses are not refundable, if there's a technical issue, let us know.
. All 1:1 service cancellation must be notified within 48 hrs. to reschedule. No show, no refund.
. All Hypnosis sessions:  $100 deposit will be held even with 48 hrs. notice, due to large time slot reservation. You can reschedule or receive refund of (full amount - $100). 


 If your item arrives damaged, email us the photo and description.  Let's work things out in the kindest way.

. Essential oil: Please take advantage of our trial gift set offer.
We use reputable high quality oil to create, if you absolutely love the item, contact us to order the full bottle.
. Crystals, Healing paints, prints are not refundable.

. Shipping:
All custom made items will take 2 weeks or longer to ship.
Packages are shipped via USPS First Class Package.
. Digital Purchase takes 2 days.

* Please expect delays due to COVID.

Image by Howie R

Why Donate?

Health means you are BALANCED with energy.

Excess off balance in energy looks like this:


Excess money = appears Cold Hearted; unapproachable, not likable

Excess love = appears Worried; too clingy, not likable

Excess time = appears Poverty Conscious, no action, not likable


You need to funnel your excess energy; giving is releasing, allowing you to leave room to receive what you are lacking. Make sure to set an intention for your fulfillment before clicking the button.


Donation allows you to enter into a Balance State: giving and receiving, the Universal way.


We are proud to practice pay-as-you-receive- healing structure. This enables us to offer the programs in an affordable way and we invite those who received the shift to anchor the healing by donating.


We want all of us to heal, if our suggested price is not affordable, please submit a scholarship request.


Your generous donation make our scholarship program possible. If you have the means, please help others with an opportunity to heal.

That action will heal you as well. Kindness is contagious.

CAUTIONS AND GUIDANCE: Audio & Online Sessions on Sound Healing Only

Thank you for your interest in Sound Healing Sessions. Even though the audio and online sessions are gentle on the body, and we've never experienced any significant adverse effects, we do invite you to exercise your discernment and pause if it doesn't feel right when using this powerful sound healing methods.

Please be advised, we have not done extensive studies or research on recorded sessions and zoom online sessions.
This information is based on anecdotal experiences shared by Madison's clients only. Be aware of how your body responses to sound. By sharing the contraindications above and below, Dahana Gachi Healing Center, LLC does not accept responsibility for any possible outcomes. ** We appreciate your feedback on any healing responses using our programs. Thank you.

DETOXIFICATION PROCESS:  ALL audio, & zoom virtual session 
The majority of people feel significantly better after a session and don't suffer any side effects at all, however it is possible to have detoxification symptoms when client is releasing stress, trauma or trapped emotions. It may show up as a dream or the most common physical symptoms are a headache, frequent urination and/or diarrhea, fatigue, emotional responses, dizziness, mucus, vomiting etc. which will pass.
We suggest to the client to drink plenty of water, surround in the nature and soak feet or body in a relaxing Salts bath.

. Not Recommended ON OR OFF THE BODY to Epilepsy sufferers, chemotherapy patients or going through any other stressful body treatments or history of severe depression, morbidlpsychosis and other serious mental health challenges.
If you choose to use it for your relaxation, like listening to a music, it may help you but we do not hold any responsibility on your decisions.
. Be mindful and practice caution if you have: Pacemaker or any types of electrical implants, metal or non-metal.
. If you are going through medical treatments, use your discretion. Our method is designed to nurture and boost the weak cells to regenerate, and revitalize to be in a healthy activity but we are all made differently. 
. We recommend headsets while listening, do not blast the volume. subtle sound is sufficient when it comes to energy healing.


 We do not Recommend any sound healing instruments ON THE BODY:

. During pregnancy, anyone with a heart pacemaker, stent, shunt, deep brain stimulation or any other implanted electrical device. 

  (Off the body 8 inches or 20 centimeter is recommended in person session.  Audio and zoom session, use caution).



  Do not use sound healing instruments:

  • on any deep vein thrombosis in the leg or known thrombi.

  • on open wounds.

  • on acute inflammations and tumors.

  • directly on or above a heart pacemaker, defibrillator, stent, shunt, deep brain stimulation (DBS) or other implanted electrical device.  Keep a distance of at least 20 cm / 8 inches from where it is implanted.

  • directly on the chest or back of people with artificial heart valves, or cardiac arrhythmia.

  • around the neck in case of carotid atherosclerosis.

  • directly on or anywhere in the immediate area of a metallic implant.

  • post surgery before the sutures have been removed and the scar is not fully healed and closed.

  • directly on implants (or near implants until they have completely healed)

  • directly on screws

  • directly on artificial joints or broken bones

  • directly on inflamed joints and veins

  • directly on the skin in the case of inflammatory skin disorders

  • directly on sebaceous cysts

  • directly on weeping eczema

  • anyone with a cold/ flu and cold sores/herpes

  • near diseased veins

  • Treatment should not commence until three days after injury, at the earliest, for whiplash


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